On our way down we noticed an excessive fuel odour (more then usual even for a Bug!!)
We also noticed a jogging in the acceleration . . . It feels like a misfire ?!?!
The Carby is new, The Distributer cap is fine, the points were corroded slightly, the

The fuel filter does not fill up... This seems strange...
The next suspect is the air manifold... Possibly cracked ...
As we set the timins using a neon light and tip-ex :L , We could turn the engine over by hand !?!
We have therefore got hold of a compression meter and will do a compression test soon...
The heater seems to be working to an extent ... its will emit hot air after a 10 mins o

One headlight also seems to be pointing up as opposed to down ?!?
The fresh air vents are perpetually open and the seal around the glovebox is poor so this will need sorting out ... there is also some visible rust on the underside ... i will wire brush and waxoil it... I will also look and see what the floor pan is like under the back seats. . .
OH YEA! and that spark ....?
The spare wheel needs a wash and paint touch up aswell :)
The door panels are coming off ... There is some minor paint touching up to do as

The petrol tank has been re painted but it has started to bubble and crease with age .. i will wire brush and repaint..
Lots to do and a long winter = a great project!

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